Wine Cellar Racking

Wine cellar racking is an essential part of designing your storage area, from both a practical standpoint and an aesthetic viewpoint. Individuals who have only a handful of bottles in their collections may opt for display units that can be placed on the countertop or for floor-standing displays. Slightly larger collections can be maintained in small coolers that will preserve the appropriate temperature and humidity for a relatively short period of time. If you have gathered an extensive collection, cellar racking systems provide a storage option that allows you to display the bottles, too.

Redwood Wine Cellar Racking Systems

Many wine cellar racking products are constructed from redwood. All-heart redwood does not need to be stained, as it naturally has a deep color that improves over time. In addition to the visual beauty it provides, all-heart redwood is strong enough to hold a large number of bottles. It also resists rot and mildew without giving off an aroma like cedar. Collectors may also opt for wine cellar storage units made from premium clear redwood, which comes from a layer closer to the bark than all-heart redwood. You can find premium clear redwood in colors ranging from white to deep purple. In addition to racking systems made from redwood, you can also find them constructed from hardwoods such as mahogany.

Customers looking for equipment for their storage areas will find a selection of premium products at, including products that can be used in commercial and residential applications. You can find out about their past work and ask them any questions you have about equipment by calling us at 877.447.8700.

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