Wine Ladders

If you're putting together an extensive commercial wine cellar store, racking is one of your most important investments. Let us help you match your space, inventory volume, aging storage and high-traffic needs to the right products and fixtures. Consider the vintage depot for retail outlet builders.

One Stop for Wine Cellar Store Racking and Accessories

Calling around for cellar supplies or making multiple orders at several stores eats away at your time and money budget. While our collection has great depth, each product and manufacturer has been chosen with care, and is monitored for ongoing innovation and excellence. You can shop with confidence among our pre-manufactured and custom offerings. Mechanical items such as refrigeration units come with a generous product warranty.

To shelve your ready-to-sell or cellar-aging inventory, choose from among our modular rack kits. From basic cardboard-case shelving to designer and custom bottle cradles, our easy-assembly kits span all uses and budgets. Line your store walls with sized-to-bottles redwood columns, with box bins and bulk storage areas for visual interest. Choose our beautiful mahogany or oak kits for a polished, elegant look. Designer and Ultra lines feature optional molding and trim, as well as spectacular highlights such as waterfall racks and diamond bins.

As with winemaking, sometimes the best innovations aren't new at all. Get the most out of your inventory showroom with our rolling wooden ladders that let you easily reach the top shelf. These fixed ladders look traditional and keep you from jeopardizing floor displays by moving stepstools about. Browse our showroom for commercial cork pulls, bottle balances, short-term coolers and other items for your vintage enterprise.