Lattice Wine Racks

Lattice wine racks combine the ornamental splendor of lattice with the functionality of storing wine properly. Lattice racks are designed with criss-crossing pieces of wood to form four triangles in each square of the rack. Wine bottles are stored in these lattice designs by being stacked inside of the triangles on their sides.

Lattice wine racks are space-saving because of the fact that the bottles are touching. They are also a sturdy design, as the wooden beams that cross to form the lattice safely support the bottles while also creating an intricate pattern. Lattice wine racks are often utilized as modular and expandable units because of the ease in adding to the pattern while maintaining a handsome design.

Selecting the Best Lattice Wine Racks for Your Needs
At, we have several lattice wine racks to choose from. For a small rack that can be made into a larger lattice structure, consider our Expandable Country Pine Cube. Each cube has four triangular shaped compartments with a capacity of 24 bottles. Our Pine cubes can be stacked or set side by side to attain a larger storage and display area, and they are perfect for a large wine cellar or simple home display area.

If you are interested in larger lattice wine racks, consider one of our modular kits. Our lattice style Open Diamond Cube Ultra Kit can hold up to 132 bottles of wine and comes in Pine, Redwood or Mahogany. Molding can be added to the rack to make it more stylish. Our smaller lattice Open Diamond Cube Designer Kit holds 120 bottles.